Download here for an Affordable Hearing Aid Application form, print it off and send it to Lion Bob Harms 1046 36th Ave N, St. Cloud, Mn 56303

Hearing Aid

Our Affordable Hearing Aid Program

The goal of the Affordable Hearing Aid Program is to help individuals who have a hearing loss and limited financial resources. We help them find hearing aids at prices that are affordable to them, no matter how limited their financial resources may be.

Greatly Reduced Prices

The Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation accomplishes this by collecting used hearing aids. These used hearing aids are then sold to hearing manufacturers who use them for their repair services. The funds generated, along with negotiated rates from manufacturers, audiologists, and hearing aid dispensers, are used to purchase hearing aids at greatly reduced prices.

Your contribution of used hearing aids makes a significant difference in the lives of those who would simply slip through the cracks.

If you have someone in need who is interested in this program, you can contact your District Trustee. Or send us an email through this website.

Elder Using Hearing Aid